I open myself now to receive from the holy cosmic influences in my life. I am connected to God and everything that I receive will be holy.
- $50,000 to begin transition for my family life
- a beautiful home in Williams, Oregon
- 5 bedrooms - ability to garden
- 3 baths - worm farm
- at least 2 acres - a shop with tools for me
- forest
- water
- pasture
- 2 out buildings
- 2 dependable cars
- Toyota pickup for me, 2005 or newer
- Caravan for Sarah, 2006 or newer
- a motorcycle, practically any kind
- all the necessary furniture to fill the house for family including Isaiah
- My work in RFLU and tourism, education consulting will flourish providing abundant $ and ample opportunity to travel
- $100,000 to address Yongxia and Martha at my discretion and disposition
- fine piano for Sarah and all the sheet music she desires
- rectification of issues of separation from my children, all of them
- the ability to travel when I desire with no complications or obstacles
- my professional life as a shaman, educator and tourism/economic expert is flourishing
- all of the "apparent" conflicts with everyone, or organization, are dissolved
This is the year for Andrew Skadberg and his family to receive all of the comforts, abundance and peace that he has been working to share and demonstrate to the world through immense patience and love and I am now committing to this contract with all of the love in my heart and breath in my being.
Aaaaaaaaahhhh!!! Next Breath Please! Thank You! I LOVE YOU!!