Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Arcturians on the Breath

"We honor this part of our Ship that provides for the enjoyment and ease of the transition between dimensions for you and us. The Engineering Apparatus Area that sweeps in the air and electronic Force of your existence provides us with another source of Light and power for our own existence. We truly can identify with the saying on your planet, "It is like a breath of fresh air!" For every time we experience the motion and nourishment this section of the Ship provides us, we rejoice in the rejuvenated spirits that we obtain.

If more Earthlings would understand the power in the breath, they would make a conscious effort to change their breathing habits. If more Earthlings would change their breathing habits, there would be less sickness, more happiness, and more wealth and prosperity on the planet. For breath holds the key to mastering the electronic Force of the universe, and the power of manifestation in the fifth dimension. For those who conquer this understanding, the Earth will be theirs to inherit. For those who do not, the Earth will be theirs to leave.

A soul cannot be breathing deeply and relaxing in the Force and still channel fear and hate. This is not possible when the spirit and practice of the breath are managed as they are intended. One cannot conquer the lessons of the fifth dimensional frequency in a state of fear or stress, for that frequency supports the love and Light of creation. Therefore, if the souls who are channeling fears and lower vibrations wish for a way in which to free themselves from their bondage, the first step that they must accomplish is that of changing their breathing. If they try this, the Force, which is truly much more intelligent than they are anyway, will automatically begin the transformation process.

But souls must choose which one they will master. There only two choices: there is love and Light, or there is fear. Choose, our dearest sisters and brothers of the universe. And make the choice before the portal of time into this new dimensional frequency closes and makes the choice for you. But if you analyze this further, the bottom line is that if this is allowed to happen, then ultimately, IT HAS BEEN YOU WHO HAS MADE THE CHOICE!"

By Dr. Norma Milanovich


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