Begun November 13, 2010 and
finished December 23, 2012 - original essay was called Realization of Self Love
Special Note: Before diving into this “sharing”,
I would like to state that I currently, as of 12/23/2012, am firmly convinced
that “breath consciousness” is the single solution to our human condition.
Thought “reality” has provided a rich and wonderful set of experiences but will
not produce a “solution” to our “apparent” conundrums. As Albert Einstein stated
““We can't solve problems by using
the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
Working with Desmond Green over the past five years, and being introduced to “conscious deep breathing”, I am left at the conclusion that “thoughts”, disconnected from Source Awareness, has created this amazing, but kind of, crazy world. The “reality” that we live in actually goes against, in many ways, the principle of “Reverence for Life”, or the “Golden Way” as stated by Jesus “do unto others as you would have done unto you”. In truth, it is not possible to have ONE contradict ONE, and yet all around our human experience we have people killing people, suffering and disease in many forms. Thinking has created this illusory reality. It cannot solve it. What can solve it is the One Action, the breath. It is very simple. It is not a thought based solution, it is mechanical. Notice your breath. Appreciate your breath. Come to Know that your breath supplies you with the fuel by which your human experience comes to be. If you want to test this theory, I invite you to do a very simple exercise. Stop breathing!
Now, we have been living and creating a reality that is disconnected – or shallow breathing. Breathing taken for granted. Breathing not appreciated. Creating in a sort of asphyxiated state – our brains have not been getting enough oxygen to operate properly. This is because we were constructed with an autonomic breathing function (as compared to our dolphin and whale cousins who must consciously breath to stay alive). Because of this we have become disconnected, consciously to our Source Love. But now, this time that we are in, that some call ascension, or the “second coming of Christ”, is really just the process of us becoming aware of the One Movement, the Source of our Life, the Yin and Yang – Our Breath. And this awareness awakens into each person, by them discovering their own breath, and centering in that knowing, staying in each Now Moment of each breath to be-come the creator of all of our individual life experiences. This is a very long winded summation, to a very simple idea – that you can, trust your breath, because it does know what it is doing, because it is all that is going on, whether you believe it or not. Trust Your Breath, because it is sourced from the One Infinite Source of all of life and we are now awakening to this knowing.
Without further ado, I now share an essay that has been piecing itself together over the last year. Part of the process, via my life experience, that has led me to the place of Knowing and Trusting my Breath, and Love as the only thing that really matters.
Revisiting Self Love
It has been about 13 years since my original experience about Self Love.
So much water has gone under the bridge, but the truth of that experience still
Now coming into the picture is where this peace, this love can be found.
Where can we tap into this source of love? This morning I woke up with this
clarity, this knowing that we are showing ourselves just exactly where our
“issue” areas are – they actually tend to dominate our personality. How can we
find these things that are holding us away from the love that we are afraid we
aren´t receiving? Simply by looking at our behaviors and reactions. Wherever we
find ourselves slipping into any form of fear or anger, these are the places
where we need to look. What we will discover is a small child, ourselves,
metaphorically huddled in a corner feeling it is not loved. This is the person
that we need to find, and address and assure that there is really no truth to
this feeling that we are not loved. And we need to address this issue on more
than just an intellectual basis, it must also occur on the level of “feelings”.
This is because feelings are the basis for the re-creation of the world. And
how this happens is one person at a time.
Let us revisit this idea of our greatest fears. In the world there has
been a multiplicity of fears that have been manifested, but what is likely the
first fear. Is it the fear of dying? Likely not because we all must face that
fear, it is inevitable. In my searching for this ultimate fear, I have arrived
at the point that we really fear not being loved by our creator, Source, God or
the One (whatever your particular belief presence). Now likely, in this life
our parents become a sort of God, but if we maturely examine this we will
realize that any human love is fallible and ultimately not something to expect
complete fulfillment from. Thus, we must look behind all human love at the
source – go to a place of examining the unconditional love that supports all
life. Upon examination or contemplation we will realize the most important love
we must rectify.
Why would we have lost this “knowing” of the love that created and
supports us? This I am not fully understanding, but I suspect it has to do with
the great forgetting. The One had to forget itself in order to experience
something new. In fact, any inkling of the knowing of our true nature as being
made of “God Stuff” would have skewed the experiment. It appears from my life
experiences that a complete disconnect has been required in order for us to
fulfill the opportunity to expand the conscious experience.
There are various theories about how the veil of forgetting, or of
separation has occurred such as genetic manipulation or an energy barrier that
has been created, but it is not in truth important to go into this as to create
another layer of confusion. What will be most important is to use our human
faculties to consider this. To use our mental and emotional capabilities to examine
the question at hand – that is – are we loved by our creator? And secondly, how
can we know this and then experience this love at a level that will eliminate
the source of all fears in our life and in our consciousness?
Louise Hay is one who discovered this with her healing works. In her
movie, You Can Heal Your Life she tells about how she, after many years of work
with various people and their dis-eases, discovered a great and simple truth –
that if she got to “self love”, then all of the other “symptoms” that people
were exhibiting, in whatever form, just went away.
Desmond Donald Green in his book The Practice
states that we must discover the “source” of all our beliefs if we are to find
the truth of what it is that motivates us, or creates the experiences we are
having. He states this profound, but apparently simple truth within the area of
“challenging beliefs” this way
- Challenging beliefs back to their source
- All beliefs carry a corresponding negative or positive energy attractor pattern
- In order to change any belief system it is necessary to identify their source and
their empowering or disempowering effects.
- Challenging beliefs back to their source
- All beliefs carry a corresponding negative or positive energy attractor pattern
- In order to change any belief system it is necessary to identify their source and
their empowering or disempowering effects.
So let us look at this question of Source love. Where can we find “tangible”
evidence of this love? Well, quite simply everywhere. Love, as the world and
cosmos has been created is the motivating factor. It is what supports all that
we experience whether it be our 5 sense perceptions, our thoughts or emotions.
It is really what makes every form become and be sustained. So where can we
find evidence? Again, everywhere. Now in our human form we have come to believe
in a whole bunch of other ideas, but the truth is that it is the Law that holds
all together. (Law might be defined as the principle by which all is held
together in form, whether by gravity, attraction or any force that will
ultimately defy explanation in words or thoughts, if you don’t believe me, look
at science, has it reached a conclusion?) But, if you have difficulty finding
evidence then go to the natural world. What other than love could hold all of
this together in perfect balance and harmony (I would now add – The Breath,
12/23/2012). The truth is that every molecule is being contained within a
system so balanced, so perfect that as to be incomprehensible to the human
mind. The fact of the matter is though, if it were not the case, if one single
molecule were to somehow “fall out” of the Divine cosmic law of love, the
entire system would begin to falter and ultimately collapse. As you can see,
everything is still here. So, trust that the Law of One – labeled as Love is
maintaining all the plants animals, chemistry, cosmic body movements, etc. etc.
into infinity.
This love also holds you together, whether you believe it or not. What
is so awesome about this experience here as human, is that you have had the
opportunity to “test create” something that was outside of this – in your own
consciousness. You have had a chance to discover what it might be like to exist
outside of what is really going on which has allowed for a whole new set of
experiences to be cataloged. But the veil of forgetting is rapidly being
lifted. The show is closing and the time for processing, in the human form is
coming to pass. Soon, all will be discovering there is a new pattern, a new
substance to your experience as the Spirit of Love re-emerges into the very
fabric of your being, that you describe as your DNA, molecular, cellular, energetic
or whatever term you might assign. But it is key that you consider this with
you current human faculties. I would likely call this processing or
contemplation. We need to take the time to make sense of this in our human
form. Bring home to our human consciousness, both intellectually but even more
importantly emotionally as to gather the most from this fantastic experiment,
More explanation of the source of this creation. All creations from
Source, Goddess, God, the One come from love. But in order for the One to
experience something other, it was first necessary to create “Free Will”, this
information is brought to us with clarity from the Law of One series, as
channeled from Ra by the L/L Research group in 1981, but if one deliberately
examines all the teachings behind the great religions (before their dilution
with other information) you will discover this foundation. The creator of this
multi-verse creates everything with Love - as we also recognize most
definitively when we humans create babies. But only love, cannot experience
itself if there isn´t something other. So a complete forgetting had to occur.
This was the purpose of Free Will – which manifested duality, expressed in the
two forms “service to self” and “service to others” (Law of One, L/L Research
1981). Now, to assure that there was no confusion in the matter, the One´s
second act after implementing Free Will imposed “Love” again upon the creation.
This was further assurance, or a back-up strategy, to assure that no matter how
the experiment in this creation went, that there would be nothing that,
ultimately, could be created or experienced out of love. So, for our intents
and purposes, and for our understanding of this, at the most basic levels we
have three important steps.
Creation comes out of Source love
Free Will which allows for new experience for One Love (One, with
complete knowledge of One cannot experience anything new). In other words, this
point allowed for the idea of “other” or “separation” to expand consciousness
into duality experience which supports the creative impulse of the One, and of
all life
Love, as a rule was imposed on both paths of free will to further assure
that the balance of the mult-verse be sustained upon the basis of the original
motivating creative impetus – only Love.
Now, as the world approaches what everyone on the planet is aware of,
such as the 2012 event, is the shift to a new consciousness, whether or not you
are willing to consider or believe this is happening has no effect on the fact
that something really significant is happening on Earth. Again, you are FREE to
believe or do whatever you will, or discuss and argue until you are blue in the
face – but no matter what you decide to believe in, know that something IS
happening, as something is always happening.
The forgetting is ending. The veil of consciousness is being lifted, and
the Spirit of love is infiltrating your lives and all systems at multiple
levels. But your physical form is a gatekeeper in many respects. In the end,
this process will play out for all souls, but cooperation or open-ness to the
process will greatly accelerate the process and allow for it to be much more
pleasant. In other words, “resistance is futile” – in the end Love will have
its way with you whether or not you agree – the key issue is how easily and
comfortably do you want go along with it. If you resist, you will experience
greater and greater levels of pain, suffering, strife, stress or whatever else
you want to call it. In other words, you cannot resist the inevitable. Can´t
you see this is how the Spirit of Love has been acting in your life all along?
Love asks you to act out of love. But you believe that their something other
than love, which there isn´t, but the Free Will experiment allowed for this
little foray, but the jaunt in the “netherworld” is over and you are being
invited, supported, welcomed back into the fold of Divine Love (which by the
way you have never been out of – you just thought you were). See how powerful thoughts
can be? And feelings are what the experience is about too, and they lock or
create the reality in a way that can be repeated, essentially indefinitely,
which has been the story of the “human condition” – pain and suffering passed
on generation after generation, civilization after civilization. But this
experiment has run its course, and each and every soul is being brought back
into the stream of love, which is the natural progression of all of life. To
return to Source Love.
So how do we come about experiencing this Source Love, as to become
conscious participants in this process. Well, based on the insights that I have
been given, it is a matter of bringing peace into your own life, your own
consciousness, your own experience. This is not about imbibing Peace from those
around you, as many of you are not in a peaceful place. Now Source Love is
sending peace to every molecule and atom of your world, but the power of the
Human collective consciousness is very powerful. How do you think all of this experience
that you have had was created? It was created by the collection of soul
consciousness that are residing on your world – for lack of a better term it is
like a “collective soul agreement” – a sort of contract that you each individually agreed to when you
came here. In other words, you all really are in this together. But, seemingly
paradoxically, the change you want to see in the world is not imposed by you on
those souls that are around you, but by what you do inside of your own Self. As
many of you likely have learned, you cannot make any other soul do anything.
You don´t believe me?, have you ever tried to get a baby to eat when they don´t
want to? This applies to everything. But, also, as many of you are realizing,
if you change your internal perceptions and experiences your entire world and
life can change in an instant. The examples of this are so innumerable as to be
astounding. But, if you can´t find an example in your own life, which I can
tell you they do exist, look to those outside of you who have demonstrated a
profound shift in their lives. Examples of this even touch every family, but
you also have people who demonstrated this to the whole world, and they have
been recognized by duly appointed entities.
To state more explicitly, you will experience Peace and Harmony when you
find that Peace and Harmony in your own being. How can you find that Peace and
Harmony? Well it is not so much of “finding” it as it is of just experiencing
it. You can´t really find it, because it never was lost. It is the total
make-up of everything – what you see, feel, sense, think, is Love and Peace.
Why can´t you experience it – because you believe, in your thoughts, that
something else is happening. Now this isn´t all your fault because this
confusion has been accumulating inside of you through various forms as you
might see as genetics, generational or familial influences, etc. But the key
is, these things need to be addressed. These old beliefs, the antiquated and
“anti-love” viruses or thought patterns are to be released. The truth is, it is
all made of love – the pains you suffer are Love´s guidance to help you stop
the suffering.
But how do you find where the issues are that are not allowing you to
experience peace and happiness? They are behind the feelings where you don´t
feel peace and happiness. There is a belief behind your feelings of disharmony,
your anger, your sadness, your lack of peace that is asking to be released.
This is the power of “letting go”. The truth is, the love necessary to transmute
these feelings, that you really so urgently want to let go of, is right inside
of you. But the key is, you must allow yourself to FEEL it.
This is the great shift that is occurring. Human beings have been
trapped in a thought world, a labyrinth created by the concept of duality,
which when it runs its full course results in an incredible amount of
diversity, of creation. But the time has come to ground yourself more into the
essence of the One´s true purpose for your Being – that is in what you call “feelings”
or “emotions” (e-motion = energy in motion). Yes the One experiences its
creation through all thoughts and sense perception, but the essence the real
power of the experience the “value-added” so to speak is in the human emotional
experience. This is why they are so profound, so spectacular, so REAL.
Now many of you still don´t get the fact that your feelings are your
guidance system. They are the ones showing you which way you should be going in
order to attain your most profound and fulfilling experiences. Many of you
still think that your feelings happen as a result of you experiences, as if
imposed from the outside. They do, in a sense, but most of you are living in a
type of defensive posture, taking actions not based on your own truth guidance,
so are paying the price in negative experiences and emotions. If you are not
creating your life and experiences deliberately and from of posture based on Love, then your experience
and your life really seem like it is “happening to you” – but this is not the
original design. You were given the tools to create your life positively and
deliberately. And your feelings and desires are the things that have been
guiding you. But, there has been a significant alteration of the Divine plan,
especially in your collective experience. It is time to bring yourself in
balance and take control to create your life in the fashion that contributes,
and is in alignment with the original program that is deeply imbedded inside
you. It is time to quit allowing the external, collective “viruses” re-program
your day to day experience – which ultimately create your life. Take the time
to discover the truth of what you are reading. If you have trouble getting to
this in your conscious awake (which is really more asleep), then tap into the
power of your sleep state. Take time, write some statements asking your higher
aspects to help you while you are in your dream state, to access the original
program that was built into you.
A simple process would be to write out some “affirmations” or positive
statements that you would like to have occur. It is good to read these a few
times a day, but if nothing else, read them just before you go to sleep. Try to
create the most positive, joyous and grateful atmosphere within yourself before
you read the statements. Then relax for about 10 minutes, just in a quiet
meditative state before falling asleep. Finally, I suggest that you add the
statement “Thy will be done”, to the end of your affirmations. (Thy can refer
to whatever you believe in e.g. Goddess, God, Allah, Source, One, etc.).
Emotional Mine Fields
As we go through our daily lives we can discover those things that are
hindering our progress simply by paying attention to our emotional states. The
times we experience what you would term “negative” emotions are the resistance
we receiving from the Divine Guidance program that was put inside of us to lead
us to our most spectacular realization of our Soul´s life intention. Put
another way, the feelings of sadness, anger, frustration, etc. are us swimming
against the flow of our own river of life. The program that was installed in us
is telling us, you´re going the wrong way – STOP, or know this resistance, this
“suffering” is going to increase – like a ringing bell that gets louder and louder
until we notice it.
If you can´t see it occurring in your own life, is there anyone around
you that is experiencing this kind of thing. The easiest to observe, that are
ubiquitous in nearly all places are what you call “alcoholics” – but in many
respects it happens in everyone elses life around them. It is no one´s fault.
Each of you are sovereign beings, and are responsible for following your own
program – essentially your own heart love.
How do you get to the bottom of this, how do you notice when you are
going in the wrong direction? It is quite simple. Just watch for times when
your emotions take a turn. If you experience a downturn or shift in your
emotions, or feelings, towards what we call negative, then you can know that
the results of those thoughts, spoken words or actions are going to result in
some kind of learning experience. They are not bad, as all experience serves a
purpose, ultimately to teach about love, and our creative powers. We can create
anything, including things that “apparently” are against the Divine flow of
Love. We have a choice in each moment, to choose creating harmonious
experiences, or learning experiences through all of the types of things that we
humans have created in our collective experience. These things include hatred,
resentment, war, famine, disease, etc., etc. These experiences were our choices
and we are not victims, per se, except in the way that we have constructed with
our thoughts and stories that we have been telling over and over again,
possibly, for an extended period of time.
Emotional mine fields are what we have created in our experience that we
can use as a way to direct us out of these stories. We can be observant and diligent,
watching our emotional state to discover if we are going to have happy
experiences, or something else. It is up to each individual to choose. Joseph
Campbell said “follow your bliss”. Abraham, of Esther and Jerry Hicks gave very
clear information about the emotional spectrum of feelings. Abraham provided
very good instructions to guide oneself from one state of vibrational
experience such as pain and suffering, to higher vibrational experiences such
as joy, happiness, love, compassion. Desmond Green created the Moods Channel, which
introduced such ideas as “self talk”, or “tracking” each very important tools,
or skill-sets to empower an individual to transform, or alter their life
experience by coming to know that we each are the masters of our own life
experience. And when we learn about the way that our “operating system” was
designed and we learn to navigate our moment to moment experience
intentionally, then our life will dramatically change.
The following
are essays that I had written previously, essentially downloads, possibly from
my “higher-self”. I do not “channel” per se, as I am always totally conscious
when I have written these sharings. Essentially, I feel compelled to write,
more often than not early in the morning or waking up in the middle of the
night with an incessant urge to get ideas that are floating around my head down
on paper.
Thinking, light,
nature, truth, prayer
If we observe nature it shows us many lessons. These
can be lessons for our living happily and fruitfully. All things in nature
express their true nature.
So what is our nature? Our nature is consciousness,
thinking, feeling. This is what is meant to be made in the image and likeness
of God. Our nature is to think our reality into being. This means that we
create our reality. Our nature is also that of light. Of course our (physical)
vibrations are lower than those that we imagine to be the light from the sun or
from a light bulb – but we are of the light. But the thing that we have been
conditioned to not see, as a result of our senses, which are totally
mesmerizing and consumptive of our conscious attention, is that through
thinking and feeling (which again is the nature of God) we can raise our
vibrations. We can see this occurring in what we do with manipulating energy of
various types. Through the instruments of electronics, and engineering we can
amplify signals of energy to higher vibrations. This too was done through
thought – someone had to first come up with the idea to do this, which followed
to thought processes of making it reality.
But we are thinking centers and what we have not
realized, or manifested, as a collective consciousness is that we individually
can amplify our own energy. This is likely the consciousness that is being
beamed down upon us. Maybe it is coming from the sun, the stars, the central
sun – or, in other words, from Source, the One - Inviting us to increase our
vibrational frequencies to experience a more harmonious reality.
It appears from observing our day to day existence
that we are all desiring this. You could deduce such from the level and extent
of our complaining. On the other hand you can also observe that we really don’t
want a new reality. This is because we appear to not be willing to change. If
we really wanted a new experience then we would take the steps in order to
remove ourselves from the systems of thinking and feeling to allow ourselves to experience
what we intuitively, or from a feeling point, believe to be possible.
As a metaphor, this heavy, or slow vibrational reality
is like quicksand. And we are like the man who is struggling to get out, making
all kinds of noise and commotion, but as the hand or rope is extended to us we
are unwilling to grasp them in order to extract ourselves from the sinking
The hand or rope, in this metaphor, I see as the
ancient teachings of the great and wise ones, and as the clear and simple
messages streaming in from other places (probably too our own hearts). Many
years ago I imagined God as having many radio stations that are broadcasting
messages for rescuing myself from my various conundrums. I would talk to other
people about not growing any new antennae, so the capabilities must have
already existed within me. I just needed to become receptive. Given what I feel
is happening now, the number of channels have increased significantly.
The key is to not get distracted by the fragmentation
reality. That being the aspect of existence that is based on the idea that
there isn’t enough to go around. That perspective is limited to cutting the pie
into smaller pieces. This paradigmatic view seems to be the prevailing
perspective in human consciousness, but as I observe the greater reality (which
are mirrored to me in nature and the cosmos) the “real reality” is one of
expanding possibilities. In other words multiplicative in nature. The purpose
of the contracting, or minimizing view appears to be to get us to turn around –
as in Plato’s cave.
All of the experiences which we seem to be so abhorrent of (pain, suffering, tragedy) all have
lessons in them, and physical revulsion (sickness, disease, etc.) that are
literally pushing us to go toward the Truth – that truth, at least in the
“light creation” that there is only love.
This idea is well captured in thoughts that flowed to
me this morning as I was trying to figure out what God’s purpose was in
creating in us this unquenchable, or undeniable, obsession with being better.
In other words, this tendency for people to focus on what is wrong. Ninety-five
percent of our lives could be just great, but we spend an unproportionate amount
of time on the 5% that we perceive to be out of order. Here are the thoughts
that came to me:
The Truth
Pain’s message is love.
Pain’s lesson is love.
Pain’s answer is love.
Pain’s solution is love.
There is no selection process in life for there is
only love. All suffering, despair, tragedy is God’s message to return love, to
return to love. The truth is, is there is only love, we just think there is
something different. This is just how powerful we are to create something from
love that we believe not to be. But the real lesson in all of this is to be in
the love, share the love, know the love. All comes from love and will return to
love. I will love all until I die.
All That Is is perfect.
All that is expected is to move the vibration of our
life, and our collective experience to higher vibrations towards what we think
is light – even though we are really made of light. Yes light is intelligent
(fiber optics) but light carries DNA and life forms too. We are light, and
light is the perfect expression of love – it is Good – it is God’s gift to us –
and it continues to be poured down upon us in such abundance that we cannot comprehend
the extent because it is infinite. But that is not the point. Of course we can
measure, but we probably don’t want to get lost in measuring (this is where I started
laughing because this is what we are doing on this planet – counting and
measuring “not enough to go around”), the point is we are just supposed to
enjoy the process and be grateful for the experience.
It is not limited – the illusion is having to
proportion out – to measure. We have gotten lost in measuring. There is so much
light coming from our own sun that we don’t use. I am happy. I am so grateful
for illumination. I see the light. I love the light. I am the light so my most
basic program is to love. It is the starting point of my existence so I need
only invite, allow that program to reassert itself into all that I do.
Thank you Goddess/God, Source, One Love!
A Message from My Source
Here is the message I recorded this morning July 14,
2009 at 4 am. I have not edited this at all - including apparent mistakes.
- Love no matter what
- When you they've hurt you, love them that much more.
- Judgment's purpose is the lesson of non-judgment.
- I watch the love that Martha pours on Benjamin and
it teaches me a small measure the capacity of love the Source has for each of
- Orcs need love too (Orcs from Lord of the Rings by
J.R.R. Tolkein).
- I feel your pain. I am your pain.
- I will tell you through me what you need to hear in
order to bring you closer to me
but each is relative to the student.
- You are my most blessed possessions in the Universe
because you truly are my possessions
- I possess all, I am the great possessor I am the
only who possesses there cannot be anything but possession by me for all is in
me, of me, by me. But I love you
all and those who don't know or believe I love, I love
that much more because love is what brings you and them to me.
- I love you, for you are why I exist. I became so I
could know you - each of you – each of what I am, a blade of grass, a living
soul is precious to be beyond measure in human consciousness.
- That is my very nature all that exists within me is
infinite externally, including my love for each particle of my existence.
- My conscious, free-will portion of me has a very
special place because that is the part that can come to recognize and
experience this - but not by my force or charge - maybe from my coaxing.
This last part I recorded this morning after my
meditation, as I remembered the thoughts as I fell back to sleep last night.
- I have never earnestly and honestly sought God, or
Source, or understanding and not received it. The key was that I believe that I
was open to the new knowledge. I think many times people think they know and so close the new understanding to flow
in. I have discovered that what Solomon said to be true, that there is nothing
new. But sometimes it appears to be hard to find.
One on One
Life is really about us working out our relationship
with ourselves. Is she the One? (the ultimate question from the movie the
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy), or (Am I the One). A part of us knows that
everything is the one but this world seems to be a testing ground for how far
will love go and still love.
The "issue" in process is just me rectifying
the issues between my prior perceptions that there are things other than me, my coming out of
this program which has been emotionally ingrained, habituated. If I accept that
there is only one thing here, then why do I have all of these issues with
myself? At first I cannot discover this by watching others, but after I come to
realize the issues are really in me, then the evidence is incontrovertible -
it's in my face. All I have to do is realize that each time I find myself
emotionally charged (typically negative) I am confronting an old program that
is attached to my old perceptions of things being outside (separate) of me. It
boils down to me rectifying my perceptions of my relationship to the One.
Why would One punish Oneself? Love doesn't punish, so
at those places that I discover conflict or experience pain it is actually a
"learning point". When I discover a learning point what happens, or how I deal with it, demonstrates
going to the Truth or some other reality, some segmented part of the One. The
Kingdom of God is Within Me comes from becoming absolutely clear intellectually
and emotionally with all the other parts of the One - to love it. It is either
the way I want it, or it has a lesson for me for my growth. If I am
experiencing negative emotions it is either contradictory to my greater good or
it is triggering a dysfunctional part of my prior programming.
All evidence points to the truth. All evidence points
to the truth there is only One.
However, it has divided itself into many
aspects/parts. Why would One thing punish itself? To experience something other than One-ness.
It wouldn't really punish itself because it really serves no purpose because it already
So the purpose is to create many different parts, let
them forget, and then discover, or go back to that knowing. The thing about
earth is the density, the intensity of the experience and the number of
possible divergences, dead-ends, or detours is innumerable.
However the choice really comes down to a simple one -
am I choosing the true path or something else? And the true path is illumined
by Love. Why would I abuse myself if I knew the Truth? I wouldn't. So why do I
abuse myself and others? Because I don't understand. I don't realize the truth.
I should not punish myself, the pain and suffering is Love guiding me toward
it. It is my job to determine at any moment whether I am making the right
choice or not. It comes down to a very simple "either, or" choice.
The truth (love), or not. And if I am clear about my
emotional conditioning, if I have done the work to examine the familial and cultural
programming that choice will become simpler and simpler over time. The
challenge is not to fall into another "program" that creates another intellectual
or emotional cul-de-sac.
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