Friday, July 17, 2015

Thoughts and Words & Your Present

Investing my Infinite Endowment

Keep my thoughts and words on the best.
- love               - trust
- the breath      - allowing
- fun                 - Joy
- my vision for all to be happy
- nature             - Gaia
- appreciation    - gratitude
- harmony         - Being
- wonder           - play
- communication
- balance           - diversity
- wholeness       - sun
- appreciation    - senses
- noticing           - experiences
- development    - music
- signs/synchronicities
- creativity          - dedication
- persistence       - patience
- knowing           - feeling
- Spirit                - cooperation
- integration        - ascension
- harvest             - now
- present             - friends
- friendship         - all perfection

You can't argue with the breath.
You can't argue with God.
It's all God.
I am God.
You are God.
"They" are God.

Nothing is arguing with anything just in the process of development and evolution in experience of God/One-ness which is easiest experienced one breath at a time be-cause the breath is current, in the now, present from which all points in time are created or altered. There is no other time to be concerned with then the present/now.

Justapose "now" - won!
What are you doing with Your Present?