Thursday, October 31, 2013

Your Breath - Your Key, Re-Visiting

It's about time to compile a new version of my book "Your Breath - Your Key" as I have found a number of additional quotes and references to "The Breath" as the entry point to our new consciousness. Not that it is necessary for my understanding and appreciation, but some people live under the constraint of "seeing is believing", so this evidence is Shared for those who might be looking for validation.

One of the more prominent, and powerful, especially for Christians was shared with me by my friend Sergio. He found these references from the Bible. This was a chat on Facebook

The "Holy Spirit" is the breath.. John 20:22-23 says, "And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost: whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained."
October 24th, 9:18am
Found right in the first chapter of Genesis in the second verse: "The earth was without form and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, 'Let there be light;' and there was light." At the very beginning of Genesis, you have God’s Word, Jesus; you have God the Father; and you have the Holy Spirit: the Trinity all represented in creation. The interesting part of this is the Hebrew word for spirit. We almost get a little spooky talking about the Holy Ghost, but the Hebrew word behind spirit is ruach, and it means "air in motion." It is the same word for "breath." It also means "life." By resemblance to breath and air in motion, it means "spirit." That’s where we get the translation, and the Hebrew word contains all those different meanings. If we just leave it with our English word "spirit," we’re not getting the full attributes of what the Bible is trying to describe. It’s trying to describe that there’s a breath involved. Going back to that first chapter in Genesis, if the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the deep, and then God said, "Let there be light," when you speak, it’s through your breath that the words take form. Just imagine that: God speaking, His breath comes out, and there you have the Word of God, "Let there be light." That is where the Gospel of John says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." They are all separate, but at the same time, they are all one, just as when you breathe and you speak, your words can be one with you.
October 24th, 11:29am
Ahhh . . . breathing in this, the Truth. Sarah, in her essay, "Crystalization" from this page - you will find this quote "My Prescription for Life: The philosophy of life that I choose to live by is spirituality. The facets of religion and science I have covered offer me a map for virtuous living, meditation and self-contemplation, as well as a basic understanding of science so that I can solidify my beliefs into a valid system for me. While there are realms of mysticism that science can’t prove, I won’t let that be a deterrent for understanding my own spiritual experiences. Perhaps it is wise for me to convey to you an encompassing definition of spirituality, which is rooted in the Latin word spiritus, or “breath”: It involves opening our hearts and cultivating our capacity to experience awe, reverence and gratitude. It is the ability to see the sacred in the ordinary, to feel the poignancy of life, to know the passion of existence and to give ourselves over to that which is greater than ourselves (Elkins 3). Spirituality is the breath of life. It colors our experience and allows us to find and create meaning in our existence. If you find yourself ponde ring why you are here, consider this definition and then you might just understand. I also believe that when you are ready, the teacher will appear. This can actually be a fulfillment of synchronicity, whereby opening yours elf up to the possibilities of existence will allow the truths you need to hear come forth. I mus t consider this when I examine my own life experiences that have led me to this point in m y life. If my system seems unattainable, please know that I would’ve felt the same way a few years ago."

Soon I will be posting more as I have been collecting up a number of references over the past couple of years.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Daily Regimen - Your Practice

No one can choose better feeling thoughts for you. Your feelings are the program that guide you. Your response-ability is your ability to STOP! Choose another train of thoughts, words and actions.

Your point of power is Now. You are in touch, fusion with the Now with each breath you take.

The "con" in confusion are thoughts of con-tradiction. There is, in actuality, no contradiction, just experience.
Once the experience begins to feed upon you, it is your choice to change the experience by a daily regimen, Your Practice

Daily Exercise - suggestions - see details and links below

1. The Practice outlined by Desmond Green
2. Earth Grounding - connecting your feet, body directly with the Earth
3. Breathing: Deeply, Consciously, Appreciatingly
4. Envisioning - Being, doing what feels good to you. (Preparation for Re-Creation) -

Thoughts of the future or past tend to insight feelings of dis-content. The power is in the Now - One Breath.

Reverence for Life starts with Your Life!

Removing "old" programs that act like viruses can seem to be quite challenging. A dedicated "Practice" combined with the physical act of Conscious Deep Breathing can accomplish what years of therapy can "try" to achieve.

Your feelings tell you the results you will be getting from your train of thoughts.

Some of the deepest, most prevalent "programs" exist around money.

Accusational theology and psychology are what we are looking to remove from our experience (individually and collectively). Blame, shame, guilt are the symptoms and characteristics of this program. It exhibits itself in our perspectives of ourselves, families, others (including government, corporations, institutions, ideas, etc.). Blaming will eventually lead to healing.
You choose how quickly.

Life Affirmation, Reverence for Life (Albert Schweitzer) is the new program.

It is being installed with each breath you take, with or without, your conscious participation.

Shallow, asphyxiated, breathing created a world of human disharmony. For Experience, and seeing the details. There is a huge purpose that we have been going through. It has been a blessing. It is all Good.

Daily Regimen             Adapt to You!!!!

Breath Consciously, Deeply, Appreciatingly: all day, as often as possible

The Practice: Read, adapt principles to your day 8 principles adapted to your daily experiences
Background:  Desmond Green's Videos     The Power of Words      Breathing    Your Mood    Tracking

Earth Grounding: 20 minutes per day with bare feet or body on Earth
Background: Grounded Video telling of man's 13 month experience
Our Star Power - my inspiration from Law of One about connecting with Earth energy, chakras, etc.

Solar Appreciation: feeling connection to sun, soak up energy/love, spend time in sunlight - as much as possible

Track Your Thoughts by being aware of Your Feelings: ongoing/continuous, to best of ability

Background: Things You Must Do Every Day - Abraham (Jerry & Ester Hicks) have many videos and books that are great. 

Dedicate as much time as you can to those things that bring you joy
 - loved ones, time in nature, inspiring pursuits
- creating your vision, following your passion, experiencing bliss
- working for the life and world of your dreams

Concluding Thoughts
You cannot expect evidence for some future event or creation, now. The creation will show up in its own time.
Physical creation with the "old program" has had limitations and constraints. These programs are coming to an end.

Investing your time, energy, thoughts and feelings into someone else's game will result in dis-harmony.
Bhagavad Gita 3:35: And do thy duty, even if it be humble, rather than another´s, even if it be great. To die in one´s duty is life: to live in another´s is death. The only true purpose is to: "work for the world".

You are being guided, supported and loved beyond what you can comprehend with the old programs. They are being replaced. You can Trust the Process. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Re-Visiting Experiential University

Oct. 23, 2013

My morning started with a number of messages, from a variety of disparate sources.

1. Sarah started the morning with a song for Shiloh on Youtube - "Green is the colour" by Pink Floyd
2. I turned to a passage in Matthew Fox's book "WHEE! We, We All the Way Home: a guide to the new sensual spirituality" -
What dangers should we expect to encounter along our spiritual way either from our inner selves or from our culture with its dragonesque institutions? All to often, books on meditation and spirituality have come to signify pacification rather than education because they see humility as merely a private, psychological struggle. In fact, humility has profound social consequences and is often best learned battling in streets or institutions rather than in our imaginations.

3. Shiloh's book "My Mama Earth" sitting on the coffee table.
4. The first snow of winter, and Shiloh's first snowfall. Possibly the largest snow flakes I have seen in my life.
5. "Sacred Planet" video with Robert Redford as narrator.
6. Vision for Wellness from Intenders of the Highest Good

I mistakenly searched for Sacred Earth and found this link "Sacred Earth is part of a revolutionary new Wellness Experience"

A Vision for Wellness
We see a world where wellness is the watchword of the day; where humanity has realized, oh-so-clearly, that we are wise to hold a vision of ourselves and others in the highest light - happy, healthy, vibrant, joyous, creative, and living our calling to the fullest.

We see a world where supporting sickness in others, having a vested interest in illnesses of any kind, naming, creating, advertising, and reinforcing diseases, being sympathetic instead of empathetic, being dependent on big pharmaceutical companies who have profit as their first priority, believing things are contagious, experimenting with vaccines, and so forth have gone by the wayside because we have begun to use light, to bring Spirit/Source into the picture, and to use positive envisioning and love to heal one another.

Can you imagine a world like this? It is a world where we are all living in peak health because that is all we are putting our attention on.

7. Sarah was invited by Wendy to help organize weekly events at the Quad City Food Hub.

Being Guided by my Spirit Animals (type up from Animal Spirit Guides book)
Peregrine Falcon
Beaver - blog about experience with my brother Mark when I returned from Iowa after being in South America for 4 years.

Earth Experience School

Return to prior blogs/essays written about "Experiential University" and connection to the original vision for the Land-grant University system that was signed into law by Abraham Lincoln at the end of the Civil War.

New school based on "Reverence for Life" - as expressed by Albert Schweitzer in "Philosophy of Civilization", published 1960
Reverence for Life = The Golden Way (changed to Golden Rule) "The Voice by the Moody Blues" - "won't you take me back to school, I need to learn the Golden Rule, just one more time"

The "1st R" (previously the "4th R" - implementing The Practice in our educational systems, included in the free book "The Global Citizenship Passport", by Desmond D. Green.

Facebook posts - 10/23/2013
"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." - Sergio Nino
-Henry David Thoreau

It's what is looking at what you see that matters. IT is what you are looking for and without it nothing could be seen, experienced or felt. - My response 

My posts - In order for the world to truly become One we need to stay approachable even when we achieve "success". True success is based on our response-ability. God never left us, even though we have been playing the game of separation. Source is in every thing and every where - even, and especially, all of US {Universal Sweetness}.

People, do you see what has happened to our knowing about what we are saying with our words? "Insecurity", "Insurance" "figure out" - hyphenate the words in-security, in-surance. "Credit = debt.

To find these things "out-side" will never
happen. You must find these things inside!!!! It is with you, NOW. Secure you are in Your Breath which is assured, always. Learn the power of your words. Connect with your Self. Watch this 2 minute video

Get your skill-set, for free in The Practice at

 The Earth Experience University

Has a mission to make quality, practical, common sense knowledge to individuals who are not really interested in going to a college or university for betwen 2 - 12 years only to discover that they can be learning in the process of living there lives. Pursuing a "degree", which is a piece of paper, ending in a long-term educational "debt" is not in the best interest of the individual or our society. 

The Earth Experience University is based on learning through experience, not through just some academic pursuit - not to suggest that our courses, curriculums, and studies will not be base on rigorous thinking processes. Our aim will be to teach foundational concepts first, like who and what we are, and then to provide information that will satisfy the dreams and aspirations of each individual to fulfill their dreams.

Our university has extensive background documentation based on Dr. Skadberg's experience working and studying in several institutions of higher education. Then, when he realized, after receiving his PhD that he had really only learned as he had the opportunity to apply his knowledge. 

This type of learning falls under the umbrella, in academic circles as, "Experiential Learning" but is also espoused by 4-H as "Learning by doing". 4-H is a program developed out of the Extension Service of the Land-grant University System.

The original "Reverence for Life University" proposal was written in 2008 for the Global Breath Consciousness Institute in Jamaica.

These original writings have been supplemented by many additional essays and real world based concepts in the book "Vision - We ARE Re-Creating the World: a Resource Manual "tool-box" for Revitalization and Empowerment Through Grass-roots Strategies and Environmental Awareness". (links to chapters outlining vision in Pdf documents).

The chapter "Education, Environment, Economics: E-cubed" (links to Pdf document)

Since the writing of the "Vision" book, the following resources and Websites have been created to further realize and manifest this new way to "Revitalize and Empower" communities and people.

Reverence for Life University - Provides the foundational "The Practice" written by Desmond D. Green as the manual to acquire the "skill-set" for individual transformation. Additional links

Rural Innovation Institute - has gathered together a plethora of information about topics related to wholistic and common-sense based solutions.

Vision Excelerator - is an "incubator" for businesses, ideas and organizations based on my life experiences since 1981 starting, and/or creating new businesses and projects.

Eye Am Sharing - instead of social networking, it is time for "collaborative networking". This Web site is a beginning to creating the networking tool for people to join a community to share their stories and services in a cooperative and creative way.

Experience Co-Evolution Group - provides expert information and services to reach out to communities and peoples who are interested in sustainable and diversified development. A primary aim is around tourism, but with a focus also on diversification, creativity and entrepreneurship.

Various Projects are being developed, or have been envisioned in writing

Regional Tourism Project - (detailed "case study" in Pdf)

SMART Bus (Sharp Minds Are Reading Thoroughly) - to be presented

Our India Connections - Newday Wellness    ::  AIWA Academy   ::   Wellness Tourism IMark Global   ::   IMARK Tech

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Spending Your Breath

People, people, people - money, taxes, govemnt, politicians. When did we get so sidetracked to spend so much energy on so much nonsense. It hasn't been working for a long time. It's not gonna magically start to. The One thing that is working, doing it all, is what supports you. Simplify your life. Take just one breath. Ahhh. Now, take another. Ok, good. Just try to do that, again, as often as you can remember. Your Breath is like an infinite wave carrying you along through your life, forever. You can't remove one breath, you cannot stop your breaths. God is forcing you to realize that Love is supporting you. It happens through your breath, and then you get to have the amazing, multi-dimensional sense experience of creating Your Life. It is Yours, and it is Your Infinite Endowment. What are you gonna Spend that on? . . . . It's OK, God loves you! And Your appreciation of Your Breath, and spending it wisely is your best way to return your love to God.

Master Your Connection

It is an ironic thing, but to blame or judge people for truly believing what they believe is the utmost of hypocrisy, no matter how much ignorance or selfishness they are exhibiting. Depending on a human system built from a gargantuan amount of dishonesty, untruths and self serving motivations is fruitless. Trying to understand insanity will make one insane. "You cannot solve the problems with the thinking you used while they were created." Albert Einstein -

Our thinking, based on the illusion of separation and duality has innumerable viruses, like in your computer. You cannot remove a virus with the program affected by the virus. The solution is knowing there is only One thing here. And that your only true power point, to tap into the Infinite Intelligence is the now moment. All effective teachings in meditation will connect one with the breath at some point in the process of what is being taught. This is because our breath connects us spiritually and physically with the Source of the Infinite Intelligence that is creating, supporting and orchestrating this elaborate show of light/love.

You are the Master of Your connection to Source via your conscious, free-will choice to connect to your personal, power point. This is the best way to show your Love for Your God as it will allow you to become the best that you can be. It is simple, always accessible and sweet. Gain the skill-sets that will help you achieve your personal freedoms, that no one can impede at

Interestingly, as I was typing this message, Desmond Green called me with another acronym wrapping up the whole enchilada

"BUS - Breathing Universal Sweetness".

Those that know me, know that I have had buses in my experiences for most of my life, even though I have often tried to quit. I started driving school bus in 1979 and continued to drive charter bus on the side, even when I was teaching at Texas A&M Univ. Even after I let my CDL go in 2012 I was called up to drive the longest trip I had ever driven, 2 months, about 13,000 miles, 20 states and 40+ cities. Here is the poem I wrote while on that trip, traveling with a beautiful group of young musicians called The Glassmen.

Now I am driving a thing called the SMART (Sharp Minds Are Reading Throroughly) Bus. A little book-mobile that kids get to take a book home, for FREE! Today we received a gaylord (4x4x4 ft box) of books. 3000 of them. Getting ready to take the program to the next level. Reminding myself of grown up in Ames with the Bookmobile, Project Eco and the Park & Recreation bus that came with sports equipment to neighborhoods in summer.