Sunday, October 12, 2014

SNUGGLE - how to Transform the world

From the night of October 12, 2014

On Saturday the 11th our car ran out of gas. After we had done a friend a favor. We had just spent $470 on repairs. Also, the gas gauge indicated it had half of a tank of gas so it was very perplexing. The car quit a few times then finally stopped in the street next to the Unity Point Hospital, right where Shiloh was born. Sarah was pretty exasperated, which, at some level was understandable. We had two very tired, crying children in the car with us. But everything turned out great.

Two men in an ambulance helped push the car out of the street. Then I called Tom Chouteau and asked him to bring gas because I was suspect. Then Sarah called Jasmine. Tom brought the gas in about 15 minutes and then Jasmine and Isaiah arrived soon after. The car started right up. Then Jasmine filled the car with gas.

As we left Sarah said, "I guess the lesson is just being able to ask for help." She also realized that "Gratitude" is key. The two messages she derived from this experience. The car is running great and we got a full tank of gas.

Then, during the night, or morning I was dreaming, pretty distinctly. It had something to do with Redmond Jones, going back and forth about how things just always seem to work out. God takes seemingly hopeless situations and creates a beautiful results. It had something to do with communication, what God might say.

"Snuggle" said Sarah right then. I woke up and said "What?" Snuggle with Lincoln she meant.

"Snuggle" I thought to share on Facebook. Will heal the world.

Yesterday, on the 11th, at the park I had a thought if we were more spiritually aware we would not have made all this interesting "stuff". We had to have a huge material bent to see the things we do in the world. There is nothing wrong with the "stuff".

We are physical beings, learning. This is how we learned to play with the material.

This morning woke up with insight. Thoughts run astray/rampant, can cause a lot of issues. Being aware of physical and feeling reactions provides guidance.

Thinking and feeling in harmony, as a team will create the new experience.

Imagination has taken us on a lot of adventures.

Future and past thinking is going where there is no power or an inaccurate thought of reality.

Breath Based - physical Practice will bring back into harmony.

The Moods Channel -

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