Saturday, March 5, 2011

Valiant Thor

Valiant Thor
scribed 3-5-11

VT: Time after time, your world has sought to rise up in frequency. Evolution of spirit is a soular longing and what excites the soul into creating.

If you could see this energetically, you would also recognize the powerful boundaries set into place on Earth to prevent this evolution.

One of the first things humanity will translate in their return to an energetic perspective, that is, seeing themselves as energy using form, will be the whys of their evolution being prevented.

I would like to give a strong caution to all readers that nothing of fear is ultimately true. Nothing of blame is ultimately true, as separation is ultimately, not true.

The denial of freedom to humanity is part of the continuing evolution of consciousness. The symbolism of victors and victims is only useful by ones who wish to create separately.

To fully return to love, you want to understand how love allows free will in order to grow beyond limits that consciousness marks itself as, by becoming races that are nourished by fragmented evidence appearing real, in a word, fear. Fear becomes potently charged by recycling itself. Fear is a potent illusion on your world, and not only on your world.

The mastery of fear required repeated failures of light. For humans to stand as they are now, required the greatest creative alliance of light ever formed.

Starflower, love is the ultimate eternal truth, yet love does not know all the depths of its creations. Love evolves, eternally deepening the realms of love expression by becoming many forms. Each form has an inner relationship that sustains it, but it is the nature of form to project externally, and by so doing, slowing that inner frequency and the sustaining relationship.

In that speed differential, free will operates. This free will is most amazing for it is highly creative.

SF: Are you saying that creations slow themselves down when they project into form, and that the gap of speed is where free will reveals creations?

VT: Yes, I am. You can see, dear one, that there is no intrinsic evil in this, can you not?

SF: Yes, I can. And I also know though, from feeling your energies that it only takes a free will request for protection from perceived negativity, to receive it immediately. I have sensed this falling like a blanket around me, so that I neutrally witness what is being energetically presented. It’s almost like a switch is flipped and something that has a negative charge is turned off, relative to my perception.

VT: This protection you speak of is soul connection. When soul, that is also, solar view is requested by you, the gap is filled. You no longer feel disconnected from the inner relationship that sustains your form. And in that moment, it is only your beliefs that give power to the negative. You are actually, temporarily cocooned by such free will requests.

Gradually, the state of inner soul presence will become more and more longed for, and each creator will self-ignite by requesting this soul fusion.

SF: Could you explain self-igniting?

VT: Self-ignition is a dance of recognition, actually. As one expands their view more and more, by including rather than excluding or separating, one’s vibration increases.

This is a process of alignment, actually, and for a human of 3d perspective, the shift from being externally self-focused to internally self-referenced.

SF: You mean, using external aspects in the external world for self definition? This drops away as one aligns with their feelings to discover their soul’s landscape and then live true to it.

VT: Yes. The actual ignition is invoked from the whole soul perception or monadic level, and that involves seeing the cosmic reality and your relationship to it as one sole purpose, which is to love.

This sparks the reunion of inner flames, streams of living light that you truly are, to be magnetized. It requires self-love, which is true soul love, and the ignition calls a reunion of energies.

This reunion ignites powerfully in a process of solar fusion. On Earth you have several ways you symbolize this, twin flames, avatar descent, and most often used, reunion.

For all intents and purposes, it is from this level of creation, that one becomes powerfully infused to create new worlds.

SF: I am hearing something, which is not said here, that is “fix or improve the world”.

VT: Hmm, that is also an important point, dear one, and the lack of this focus is due to its actual non-existence as a whole.

Take a step back with me for a moment. Your view of linear time has evolved structures of thinking that are fragmented and can never, of themselves, be expanded into wholes.

You have ideas of cause leading to effect, of effort leading to success, and of time flowing in one direction. All these are narrow views, and do not describe the truth as a creator knows it.

Nothing is actually broken or need be fixed. Any partial view that presents a less than harmonious relationship is temporary; it will be replaced again and again by views that are chosen.

Creation is not a linear process. It is a process of knowing that is projected, and highly unmanageable with only linear tools. For in your linear methods, you seek to overcome your knowing, to confront one another and the process itself by external effort; and change is often described as the result of this conflict. But if you look deeply at this, you will see that change has seldom brought equal freedoms to all participants. This is because the linear view hides the fact that things are continually and ceaselessly created and recreated by your view being projected through your moments.

When one seeks to correct or repair part of their wholeness, they add in a factor that actually defines success to be limited. Try for a summary, Starflower, before I go on.

SF: Whew! Let me take a flying leap, here. You are saying that we always see things into being; our view creates. We always, too, consider our view to be whole. So we give legitimacy to the incomplete and say, “that is broken”, or, “that (out there) is wrong”, and we should “fix it”. This implies to me that we have defined what creation is by picking out a piece of our experience to repair, or control, and that is actually not creation, but expanding the partial view of something.

So our efforts and energy would better be spent in envisioning a flow of energy that is exactly what we want to feel, projected everywhere. For example, rather than fighting world hunger by worry in our minds, projecting a divine relationship that is filled and satisfied by being, that is fed by spirit, so to speak.

I am not saying here, that the many generous souls who devote themselves to feeding the hungry should do otherwise, at all. I would say that those lights are fulfilling their soul’s satisfaction of being by the kind of giving these people do.

Instead, I am saying that those who worry about world hunger and are not called by soul into the active experience of feeding hungry people, have to understand that the hunger of the world is a reflection of their own creation. Those who serve the world’s hunger are already seeing whole in this regard.

VT: Good work, Starflower. Now, I would like to add one last focus. Giving one’s attention differs through the quality of feeling given in the attention. It is not your thoughts alone, that magnetize creation, but the feeling projected through your thoughts. You may carry more or less negative charge about your thoughts, relative to yourself. This is where many sabotage their own integration. When negative thoughts arise within, it is the feeling that is trying to integrate.

SF: You are saying, I think, to carefully feel what feelings that a negative thought is associated with?

VT: Not exactly. You cannot carefully feel what is hidden under repetitive thought. Feelings are blurred by habitual thought, understanding that whatever the concern is, it is not the whole picture you are saying. Thoughts can hide your feelings; that’s what I am saying. Hold your thoughts about anything, loosely, so feeling can emerge.

The depth of feeling within a human is an extraordinary gift, Starflower. At the moment, there is much pressure on your systems of frequency to open and feelings of all kinds will deepen.

Unlike the linear opposition of right and wrong, there are no right or wrong feelings. There are energetic landscapes of feelings, as feelings move across as a continuum of energy that makes pictures of frequency.

One’s feelings are key in spiritual evolution and increasing frequency. So do not allow repetitive thoughts to confuse you. The energy behind thought is feeling, and the more you allow the feelings you think are bad, the more you will discover great spaces within yourself of true passion. You are each part of an emerging soul landscape that is navigated by feeling.

You have limited your feelings, refusing to view the feeling, but when you do, you will discover your own power denied. Feelings are not good or bad; they are power-full flows. By self-separating from feelings the whole that your soul expresses cannot be glimpsed. So allowing yourself to be restored to your whole consciousness will require the integration and dynamic appreciation of feeling. Do you appreciate your feelings, Starflower?

SF: (laughing) I do, now; but I certainly would not have without seeing through the unconsciousness that falls on me when my thoughts recycle on and on, on a particular topic or memory. What I am starting to appreciate though, is the depth of feeling we have within. Feelings just grow and grow as you share them with nature and with fellow beings. It’s pretty marvelous!

VT: Yes. There is a wealth in your feelings, and more and more, dear readers, you will find and claim this. It is your human birthright, and as you begin to explore the ceiling you have placed on your feelings, new depths will open.

SF: Thank you, Val. You’ve covered a lot.

VT: You are very welcome, little one. Smile at yourself and others often, Starflower, and you will find the feelings that most belong to you and your frequency.

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