Saturday, March 12, 2011

You Should Be Happy

March 25, 2010
For my wife - Martha Elizabeth Varon

If you once could feel the joy you bring
The caress of your lips, your touch
The strength you encourage
The peace that you share
Courage, Patience
The sparkle of your eyes
The invitation of your smile
The challenge of your love
Life is experience
Rich, endured, witnessed
But soul growth is the goal
The destination
Your love embodies, represents
Divine expression
An opportunity
To enjoy the nectar, the bliss
A snowflake came to me
A crystal
A treasure
A spectacle of the nature of the cosmic dance
God shared life with me
The greatest treasure
The meaning, the substance, the purpose
Was only realized
When I found you
You came to me as a feather in the wind
A whisper of the One
A challenge, an invitation, a beckoning
For me to live, really live
And that snowflake
That was once in the ocean
And then traveled on gossamer wings
Is the deepest expression, creation, demonstration
Of my love for you
It came from my heart
And danced in my blood
To flow through my being
And into my eye
That experience connected right to my heart
The indescribable feeling
of joy
of life
of happiness
and gratitude
for you being in my life
I love you dear Martha

1 comment:

  1. I love you dear. Thank you for the happiness of my life... for my awakening, for your love, for Ben for contributing in such a way to construct a better human being each day
